American Foot Ball that is. to start with, I have a confession. I do not nor have I ever understand this game. sorry if that offends you but I think its best to be honest. I daddy on the hand Really loved it. my brother even played it in high school, but I could never figure out why thy where fighting over that ball, it wasn’t even round. like a weird egg, never looked right to me… my father try to explain it to me. he said, “the object of the game was to get that pumpkin from one end of the cow pasture to the over end without step’en in somthin or trippen over someone.” but even with that elaborate explanation I still didn’t get it. I used to say but why don’t they just give both sides there own ball, then they could stop arguing over this one.
You see I’m a True NERD, I don’t just play one at work, I’m the real deal. I love cheap Sy-Fy’s and things that require imagination.
but yesterday was super bowl, and that is the one game a year that I will sometimes, sort’a, watch. we make all kinds of junk food, and all huddle around a TV to see the two team collide. We all pick our teams, for whatever reason, I personally don’t care who wins to me its really all about the commercials, but I usually pick the underdog, though both teams made it this far, there should not be an under dog. but thats just me.
its not really about football to me, again give both side their own ball they can stop fighting other the one. No, its really about Family, Friends, well and Food, its a chance to spend time with people you may not see every day. A chance to see folks that don’t come around as often as you’d like.